Wednesday, September 15, 2010

8 Steps To Become A Dictator

Some don't want to admit the similarities between the rise of the Nazi Party and the rise of Obama regime. You put Nazi and Obama in the same sentence, you are immediately thought of as a racist quack who has no clue what you're talking about. When people think of Nazi's, they usually only focus on the extermination of the Jews, but what they forget is everything that led up to that. Hitler didn't just become the Fuhrer and immediately began rounding up the Jews and killing them. He had to systematically take over Germany by eliminating anything that stood in his way. So here I will lay out the 8 steps to become a Dictator and show you how Obama is following in Hitler's footsteps. Now keep an open mind and really look at the similarities. I want to make it clear that I do not think Obama wants to kill all of the Jews, he's too much of a pansy to do that.

1)     Reich stag Fire - 27 Feb 1933
The Reich stag (the German Parliament) burned down.  A Dutch Communist named van der Lubbe was caught red-handed with matches and fire-lighting materials.    Hitler used it as an excuse to arrest many of his Communist opponents, and as a major platform in his election campaign of March 1933.   The fire was so convenient that many people at the time claimed that the Nazis had burned it down, and then just blamed the Communists.   Modern historians, however, tend to believe that van der Lubbe did cause the fire, and that Hitler just took advantage of it.

Obama's mantra has always been, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." When the man flew his plane into the IRS building this spring, immediately the Obama controlled media said he possibly was a member of the tea party, when in fact he was a liberal democrat. Obama will always blame someone else, like Hitler use to do.

2    General Election - 5 March 1933
Hitler held a general election, appealing to the German people to give him a clear mandate.   Only 44% of the people voted Nazi, which did not give him a majority in the Reichstag, so Hitler arrested the 81 Communist deputies (which did give him a majority).   Goering become Speaker of the Reichstag

Many liberal controlled states are voting to get rid of the Electoral College which will give most of the voting power to the states with the highest population (which are typically Democrat). Also, groups like ACORN were notorious for voter fraud and the Black Panther Party intimidated votres in Philadelphia. Woodrow Wilson arrested many of his political opponents and it is just a matter of time before Obama starts as well.

3    Enabling Act - 23 March 1933
The Reichstag voted to give Hitler the power to make his own laws.   Nazi stormtroopers stopped opposition deputies going in, and beat up anyone who dared to speak against it.     
The Enabling Act made Hitler the dictator of Germany, with power to do anything he liked - legally.

Through the thousands of pages of bills as well as the bailouts Obama and Congress has overstepped the bounds of the Constitution and are making new rules. More and more judges are legislating from the bench, overturning the will of the people and no one can really stop them. Over 70% of the American people did not want the bailouts to happen, and they did. They also didn't want Obamacare, and they got it. The Constitution has been shredded by this President.

4    Local government - 26 April 1933
The Nazis took over local government and the police.   The Nazis started to replace anti-Nazi teachers and University professors.   Hitler set up the Gestapo (the secret police) and encouraged Germans to report opponents and 'grumblers'.   Tens of thousands of Jews, Communists, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses, gypsies, homosexuals, alcoholics and prostitutes were arrested and sent to camps for 'crimes' as small as writing anti-Nazi graffiti, possessing a banned book, or saying that business was bad.  

The Liberals have run the education system for years indoctrinating the youth into believe that Socialism is the best form of Government. Obama wants to create the National Civilian Security Force with the same power and funding as the military (sounds like a new version of the SS). Unlike the Nazis, the Communists, homosexuals and the prostitutes love Obama. Obama wants to ban talk radio and any opposing voices.

5    Trade Unions banned  - 2 May 1933
The Trade Unions offices were closed, their money confiscated, and their leaders put in prison.   In their place, Hitler put the German Labour Front which reduced workers' pay and took away the right to strike.  

The SEIU practically has their own parking space at the White House. With the Card Check legislation being forced, those in the Union who stand in the way will be dealt with.

6    Political Parties banned - 14 July 1933
The Law against the Formation of Parties declared the Nazi Party the only political party in Germany.   All other parties were banned, and their leaders were put in prison.  

With the rise of the Tea Party Movement, Obama has his minions are trying to figure out how to stop them. Don't be surprised if he finds a way to make his party the only party.

7    Night of the Long Knives - 30 June 1934
The SA were the thugs who Hitler had used to help him come to power.   They had defended his meetings, and attacked opponents.   By 1934 there were more than a million of them.
     Historians have often wondered why Hitler turned on the SA.   But Hitler was in power in 1934, and there was no opposition left - the SA were an embarrassment, not an advantage.   Also, Rohm, the leader of the SA, was talking about a Socialist revolution and about taking over the army.   On the night of 30 June 1934 - codeword 'Hummingbird - Hitler ordered the SS to kill more than 400 SA men.

Obama will eventually turn on the Unions once his power is secure.

8     Führer - 19 August 1934
When Hindenburg died, Hitler took over the office of President and leader of the army (the soldiers had to swear to die for Adolf Hitler personally).   Hitler called himself 'Fuhrer'.  

Obama will do whatever he can to do away with the turn limits and will make himself the supreme leader. We have seen many followers of Obama pledge their allegiance to him, even teenagers march to his name. I don't know why, the guy is a moron.

So look at the similarities and see what is happening right now. We are in very dangerous waters and we need to stop it before it is too late.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Contract With America - The Conservatives Strike Back

Yesterday Senator Mitch McConnell made a statement to push a vote to block all tax increases, but it was falling on deaf ears. We are facing some of the greatest tax hikes in our nations history starting this January in order to counter balance the massive spending from Obama and his minions in Congress. Obviously their goal is to prevent the economy from recovering and I'll tell you why. Who typically votes for Democrats? People who rely on the government, whether through welfare or power. Who typically votes for Republicans? People who are self reliant, own a business or who know what liberty is. Just look at the protests that have happened over the past year, both liberal and conservative. Liberal protests, usually led by unions like SEIU, usually are loud, violent and many arrests are made. These protests are usually due to cut in government funding to a particular group or they are hired as muscle to get certain handout bills passed. But Conservative rallies are the complete opposite. The 8/28 that Glenn Beck held did not have one single arrest, no shouting of racial or fear mongering remarks and their wasn't any trash left on the Mall. But the media would have you believe that the SEIU protests were justified whereas the 8/28 was nothing more than a radio personality's attempt to become the next Rush Limbaugh/Billy Graham. It is junior high school drama that we are witnessing in Washington, no one takes responsibility for their actions and they blame everyone else. President Obama is a master at pointing the finger away from himself. And with the help of the media he is able to get the majority of people to believe him over common sense. Hitler was a master of this political tactic, but in the end his propaganda could not overcome the truth.

So know we are seeing Conservatives fight back against the false propaganda that comes from the White House, Capitol Hill and the media. They are tired of being pushed into a corner by a group of people who are hell bent on destroying everything our country stands for. John Boehner is under attack from the White House right now for his strong stance on what the Liberals and the White House are doing economically to our country. You will see the media vilify him over the next 2 months in order to soften the blow of the November elections. You will see evil at it's finest with Democrats on full attack against anybody who doesn't fall into line with their agenda. Just watch. But I hope that Conservatives stand strong and fight. We cannot give the Liberals anymore room to continue to damage our country's very existence.

The difference between Conservatives and Liberals is principle. Conservatives believe in the individual, Liberals believe in the collective. Conservatives believe in Liberty, Liberals believe in Government Control. Conservatives believe in low taxation, Liberals believe in Communism through High Taxation. Conservatives believe in a power greater than themselves, Liberals believe that power is their for the taking. Their is a difference. Common Sense is the best way to determine the difference. What Obama's regime is doing right now is evil being disguised as good. It's a cake with frosting but the actually ingredients have poison in it. Open your eyes and recognize evil and do not be deceived.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Standing on the Edge

I sit here at my computer looking at the state of our country and wonder, is everyone freaking crazy or is it just pure stupidity?! Our country is virtually standing on the edge of a very tall cliff where at the bottom is every country that thought they could make Socialism work.  There on the edge of this cliff our so called leaders look at the horizon, completely ignoring the jagged rocks and eminent destruction that lay just one step in front of them, and they say, "We can make this work." Then they take that fateful step and our country is no more. Now are our leaders so blinded with corruption, greed and power that they don't see the cliff or is it that they think that they can actually walk on air? I think it's both but also I think there is another agenda afoot.

We all hear on talk radio, Glenn Beck and other Fox News programs about those who work in the White House as well as those who have helped shape President Obama's views on America. We hear about self proclaimed Marxists like Van Jones or Anita Dunn who praise Communism/Socialism and everything it stands for. We know what the agenda of the Obama White House is, Socialism. But what I really want to know is what if there was a greater agenda in the works that no one has discussed yet.

As of right now, Obama is a one term President. Republicans will take back the House and the Senate in November. But the problem is that virus has already been implanted into our government and Republicans won't be able to fix it. The virus began with Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Carter and was given strength when Obama took office. This virus is being disguised as a good thing, something safe and not to worry about when in fact it will eventual kill you (figuratively). Over the past 18 months Obama and his regime have passed Communist themed laws that will lead to the eventual extinction of the Free Market system and the Constitution. Embedded in the thousands of pages that have been signed into law are the seeds necessary for Government to have total control over everyone and everything. But if Obama is only going to be a one term President, what's there to worry about? Well what if the complete destruction of America happens before 2012?

I see the destruction of America's Free Market system and the complete government control over everything a necessary step to create a Global government. With America out of the way, why not? Since Obama will be out of a job by 2012, who do you think will be the best person to rule the world? B.H. Obama. The global government will be found with the United Nations. Obama will be made secretary general and there he will place sanctions against the US preventing it from regaining any power. He will also disarm America by using the National Civilian Security Force that he boasted about during the election. They will replace the current military and will take every type of weapon from the American people. The Free Market system will be a thing of the past so the UN will not have to worry about the US being a problem.

Now is this extreme? Am I going too far with this assumption? I wish I was but the scary thing is that it is happening before our very eyes. It started with the collapse of our economy and the government takeover of the private sector. Just watch, the increase of the Capital Gains tax which will take place in January will most definitely stifle any investing, which includes stocks, bonds, real estate, currency etc. With the income taxes going up, so will the unemployment numbers. Less jobs will be created because more profits will have to paid to the government. You think 2009 and 2010 were bad, just wait for 2011. Over the past 18 months Obama's regime has forced our country through blackmail, coercion and fraud to take the fateful step off of the cliff and we did it.

Obama now controls healthcare, the auto industry, Wall Street, banking, mortagages, student loans, transportation and soon he will control energy through Cap And Trade. Total Government Control.
I had a conversation with a friend of mine the other day who thought Obama was doing a great job. Obviously my friend has an IQ of woodpecker on a metal telephone pole, but he is no different than 40% of our country. Our society has become more stupid as time has progressed and apathy has replaced responsibility. Our leaders are weak and the world knows it. What better time to attack America then right now? I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happens because the world knows that our leaders do not have the guts to do anything. Look at the Preacher who wanted to burn the Koran. Even though I don't agree with what he did, it showed the weakness our leaders have. They were worried about offending the Muslims and our troops getting hurt but completely ignored the fact that they were bowing in cowardice to our enemy. Well you know what, maybe if we showed some strength to the world like we did when we nuked Japan that you shouldn't mess with us then maybe the book burning wouldn't be necessary. Obama constantly apologizes to world about all of our so called mistakes. We don't have to answer to anybody, we are the greatest country that has ever existed because we believe in the individual and value freedom. We do not need to apologize to anyone, we need to be strong and be an example to the world that they too can be great. We don't need to stoop to their level, we need to lift them up.

America needs to wake up and realize that they are being played as fools. We have a media who indoctrinates us with falsehoods and half truths as well as tells us that those who support the Tea Party movement are racists and violent. We are dealing with the greatest form of evil right now, we need to recognize that. We cannot be lulled into carnal security thinking that everything is going to be alright. We need to stand up and fight against the evil that so wants to destroy us. We have defeated the British, The Nazi's, The Japanese empire, The Soviet Union etc. We can't allow the Liberals and Marxists destroy us from within. We need to recognize who the real enemy is, it is Obama and the Left. We need to stay away from the Cliff.